Mantra Collection


Aum Hram Hreem Hroom Hraim Hroum Hrahaha


Hrahm Hreem Hroom Hryme Hrowm Hurrah-ha


Recite the names of God


A = Creation
U = Preservation
M = Destruction
(so that creation can happen again)

H: H is aspirated -- The aspirated sound 'h' originates in the heart. Every time you intone h - the heart is stimulated and vibrates. The process of purifying the blood in the heart is supported by intoning h in a bija mantra. Purified bloo is pumped frm the heart traveling all over the body. Intoning 'h' strengthens the heart.

M: Mantras ending with the labial nasal Mmm -- Every relaxed respiration with mm is made through the nose. This respiration also helps to purify the blood. The oxygen taken in with each inhalation comes in contact with the veinous blood and renders it more pure. The carbon dioxide from the impure blood is breathed out. Respiratoin is produced through the nose and windpipe, both of these organs should be kept free from ailment or disease. Each mantra ending in a prolonged nasal 'ṃm' vibrates and keeps healthy the nose and windpipe.

R: Mantra containing the lingual 'r' between the initial aspirate 'h' and the final nasal Mm: The consonant 'r' when uttered causes the tip of the tongue to strike the front palate and vibrate the brain.

The proper utterance of the healing bijas hram, hrim, hrum, hraim, hraum vibrates and invigorates the heart, windpipe, and brain - three of the vital organs, all the sounds necessary to keep the system strong and healthy.

A: The continuous long vowel 'a' in hram -- Strengthens the ribs, purges the alimentary canal of toxins, heals lethargy, and cleanses the upper portion of the lungs by stimulating them. The mantra 'hram' has been researched and proven as a curative for asthma, bronchitis, and for the predisposition to tuberculosis.

I: The long vowel sound 'i' in hrim: Stimulates the action of the throat, palate, nose, and the upper part of the heart. The repetition of hrim clears the respiratory and digestive passages of phlegm secreted or collected there. In the first or second round of 7 sounds of healing, done with these bija mantras sometimes makes it necessary to eject mucus from the nose, throat, or mouth. After two or three rounds the respiratory passage is supporte and cleared.

U: The long vowel sound 'u' in hrum -- Stimulates the liver, spleen, stomach, and intestines. Women suffering from chronic disorder of the lower region of the abdomen will immensely profit by repeating hrum loudly and fully.

AI: The compound vowel sound of the syllable hraim (as 'i' in 'time') stimulates the kidneys. The repeated utterance of hraim can serve as a diuretic.

AU: The compound vowel sound of the mantra hraum (as 'ou' in 'round'), acts on the rectum an anus and helps them to function normally.

Hraha: Hrah vibrates the chest and throat.

All of these sounds produce vibration in different vital parts of the human system, stimulating them, purifying the blood, supporting the removal of disorders, ailments, and disease in those regions.

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