Mantra Collection


Gayatri Kriya

Full Form:

Om Bhur, Om Bhuvaha, Om Swaha, Om Maha,
Om Janaha, Om Tapaha, Om Satyam
Om Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yonaha Prachodayat
Om Apo Jyoti
BrahmaBhur Bhuvaha Swarom


Healing, to purify imagine light above, within and all around, Liberation


Gayatri - A song that gives praise. Preserves, protects, gives deliverance, grants liberation. Gayatri Kriya helps the flow of energy in hands and feet.

Prayer after the Gayatri: "Gayatri, all that I have done has been in an imperfect way. Be pleased with my devotion and pour thy grace upon me."

Abhaya mudra often practiced after Gayatri recitation.

Translation for last three lines:
Om - Welcome
Apo - Cosmic Water
Jyoti - Cosmic light, fire
Rasomritam - Bliss, in harmony with immortality
Brahma - The absolute
Bhur - The physical or earth plane
Bhuvas - The mental or atmospheric plane
Swarom - The astral or cosmic plane

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