Mantra Collection


Om Hrim Hamsah So'ham Swaha


Mantra to the Supreme Light, balances Yin and Yang, strengthen our weaknesses


"What am I? I am that."

Known as the "Param Jyoti Mantra", or "Mantra to the Supreme Light." It is a well known Vedic, Vedantic, and Tantric Mantra, and causes the Divine Light to resonate in our body, breath, speech, and mind.

Om - Supreme Vibration
Hrim - spiritual heart
Hamsah - liberated soul
So'ham - Supreme Being
Swaha - consecration into the light

This Mantra to the Supreme Light is first a Vedantic mantra. Om is the Supreme Brahman. Hrim is the mantra of the spiritual heart. Hamsah is the mantra of the liberated soul. So'ham means "I am He", meaning the Supreme Being. Swaha indicates consecration into the light. The mantra can be used along with meditation to realize the Self-within.
The Mantra to the Supreme Light is a Tantric mantra. Om is the Supreme Shiva. Hrim is the Supreme Shakti. Hamsa So'ham is the unification of Shiva and Shakti in our breath and consciousness. Swaha indicates consecration into the light. This mantra can be used along with the worship of the Goddess to bring her presence into our hearts.
The Mantra to the Supreme Light is a Yoga mantra. Om is the supreme guru. Hrim is the light of the awakened Kundalini. Hamsa So'ham is the balancing of the Sun and Moon, or solar and lunar forces, the Ida and Pingala Nadis. Swaha indicates consecration into the light. The mantra can be used along with pranayama to empower the breath and open the chakras.
The Mantra to the Supreme Light is an Ayurvedic mantra. Om is the cosmic prana. Hrim is the health giving power of the spirit heart. Hamsa So'ham is the power of the breath to give vitality and promote rejuvenation. Swaha indicates consecration into the light. The mantra can be used to bring the cosmic prana into us for healing purposes.
The Mantra to the Supreme Light is an important mantra for usage at the winter solstice, the equinoxes and summer solstices for the worship of the Sun. With the mantra Shrim (Shreem) instead of Hrim, it can be used at the new, half and full Moons, for the worship of the Moon and the Goddess.

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